Improving Soil Health with Andrew Tempra
Andrew Tempra from Tempra Bros Pty Ltd, a grower from Manjimup, Western Australia, cultivates 35 hectares of potatoes annually, evenly split between fresh market supply and processing for French fries through WA Chip.
In Issue 15 of PotatoLink magazine, we caught up with Andrew to discuss his practices for improving soil health and potato quality on his farm.
Controlling soilborne diseases and pest with biofumigants
The soil ecosystem directly impacts crop yield and quality. In recent years, there has been growing interest in sustainable farming practices that improve soil's biological, chemical and physical characteristics. Biofumigation is one of these sustainable practices discussed in this PotatoLink magazine article.
Jindong WA field walk and workshop
Read the recap of a PotatoLink event held for the potato industry at the Kaloorup Fire Shed in Jindong in the afternoon of the 15 August 2023.
Biofumigants and cover crops for disease and nematode management
Join leading biofumigant and cover crop researchers John Duff (QDAF) and Mieke Daneel (ARC, South Africa) as they discuss what biofumigants are how they work, how they can be used for disease and nematode management and wha to consider when choosing biofumigant species.
Management of potatoes under wet conditions
Three successive La Niña seasons have left prime potato growing areas waterlogged. Challenges for growers are evident at every stage, from managing seed, planting, crop management and storage. Paulette Baumbartl covers all the key points in this article in Issue 8 of PotatoLink magazine.
Cover crops for potato growers
Planting cover crops improves soil structure and health, controls soilborne disease and weeds, reduces erosion and nutrient loss, and adds nitrogen. Dr Kelvin Montagu delivered an interactive online training course on cover crops for potato farmers and agronomists.
Cover crops for fresh market and processing potatoes in Australia
Potato grower, Darren Long and Dr Kelvin Montagu talk all things cover crops and discuss how they can assist with building up soil health – including practical tips & tricks!
Jobs for the quieter months of the year
This PotatoLink magazine article discusses making the most of the quieter months preparing for next season’s crop — checking long-term weather forecast, soil testing, checking irrigation equipment, considering drainage, and managing pests and disease.
James Addison and cover crops
In this video, Tasmanian grower James Addison discusses the value of cover cropping in maintaining soil health and increasing productivity in potato production.
What is a cover crop worth?
Have you been thinking about implementing cover crops on your property? Would you like to know more about how they can interact with your farm’s natural systems? What they cost? what benefits they can create? Read this Soil Wealth Integrated Crop Protection factsheet that goes into the economics of cover crops and what they can do for you.