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Join PotatoLink team members Stephanie Tabone and Kelvin Montagu as they discuss the results of the demonstration and how to get the most out of your mycorrhizal product.
Doctors Ingo Hein, Sanjeev Sharma and Xinwei Chen talk to PotatoLink about their research, and the exciting new world of advanced potato breeding.
What is Oxalis? What it looks like, why it's a problem, and what to do about it. It also summarises the field walk held in March 2023 and the outcomes from conversations had on the day.
Stephanie Tabone (PotatoLink and AHR) talks to NSW's regional representative Marc Hingerager about his 2022 magnesium demonstration trial in Canowindra NSW. They discuss the trial, the results and why magnesium is important.
Soil fumigation can play a role in managing major disease issues. In this episode, Applied Horticultural Research's Dr Jenny Ekman discusses soil fumigation with Chad Hutchinson of the TriCal group.
Stephanie Tabone (PotatoLink and AHR) talks to NSW's regional representative Marc Hingerager about his 2022 Potassium demonstration trial in Canowindra NSW. They discuss the trial, the results and why potassium is important.
Management of rots, both in the field and post-harvest, is an ongoing challenge for potato producers. Agronomists Marc Hinderager and Dr Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse discuss a trial that was set up to explore the effect of sanitisers and/or drying on the development of post-harvest bacterial soft rot in potatoes.