Evaluation of postharvest treatments for the control of bacterial soft rot in potatoes
Management of rots, both in the field and postharvest, is an ongoing challenge for potato producers. The issue is usually managed by minimising the time interval between harvesting and processing of potatoes. Read the report by Soil Wealth Integrated Crop Protection for more information.
Potassium: A vital macronutrient in potato production — A review
With information from 48 peer-reviewed studies this review provides the most up to date understanding of potassium nutrition for potatoes.
Integrated weed management - Volunteer Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)
Read this Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection factsheet to learn about volunteer potatoes and some potential methods of integrated weed management that can be used to control them after a potato crop.
Managing Blackleg in potato
Blackleg on potato can be caused by either Pectobacterium or Dickeya species, and they often work together in different combinations to cause this disease. Blackleg can result in stem decay, severe seed decay and sometimes lack of plant emergence in severe cases. This Hort Innovation and RM Consulting Group (RMCG) factsheet provides information on managing blackleg in potato crops.
Assessment of pre- and postharvest anti-sprouting treatments to replace CIPC for potato storage
How well do pre- and postharvest anti-sprouting treatments work? What are some steps that you can take to reduce the sprouting of your stored potatoes? This Scientific Journal article covers this topic in depth, giving you the most up to date information and solutions.
Detection of potato late blight with a drone
This research summary describes work assessing late blight of potatoes using spectral imagery collected by a drone.
Better managing soilborne diseases with pathogen DNA testing
This fact sheet provides guidance on the importance of monitoring soil-borne diseases, including tips for understanding and managing soil-borne disease risks.
What you need to know about soil microbiology
Soil health is closely linked to soil microbiology. This fact sheet outlines information on a broad group of soil microbes including fungi, bacteria and pseudomonas, and explains how different levels, numbers and ratios of these microbes can impact the overall health of your soil and crops.
Biological products and new phosphorus fertiliser technology for potato productivity
The Potato Pest and Disease R&D Coordination project and the Soil Wealth and ICP project, together with McCain and Nutrien, delivered an informative session on biologicals R&D resources, products and testing options for potato growers.
International Potato Pest and Disease R&D scan
Keeping up to date with international pest and disease threats is important. This ongoing project conducted a scan of the most recent research and development on international potato pests, research previously conducted in Australia on these pests and some ‘ready to use’ resources.
Poster: Variable rate application - Is it right for your farm?
This poster provides a snapshot of variable rate application, the options available, why and how to do it, key questions to keep in mind and more information on the practical tips and tools available.
Exploring Spongospora suppressive soils in potato production
The diseases caused by Spongospora subterranea (tuber powdery scab and root hyperplasia) can cause significant yield and quality loss. Not all soils are equally susceptible to this disease. This 2020 report determined factors that resulted in Spongospora suppressive soils in New Zealand.
Managing the risks of powdery scab in potatoes
This guide produced by RMCG in 2020 was based on current knowledge on management of powdery scab, highlighting key factors that affect the risks of this disease and opportunities for effective disease management.
Salinity and potato production (Part 4 of 4): organic soil amendments, biologicals & biostimulants
With a growing interest in the area of soil health and the wide range of products available, this fact sheet explores organic soil amendments, biologicals and biostimulants to help growers understand what these products are and how they work.
Salinity and potato production (Part 3 of 4): Managing hydrophobic soils in potato production
Explore the impact of hydrophobic soils on potato production and options for growers to assist with their management to improve potato yields.
Biosecurity resources for Australian potato growers and industry members
The Australian potato industry is committed to building its capacity to respond to potential biosecurity threats. In addition to dedicated farm biosecurity officers and advisers, a range of farm biosecurity planning resources are available for growers, advisers and industry members to access. These resources are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect industry needs.
Salinity and potato production (Part 2 of 4): Know your salts to better manage potato nutrition
‘Know your salts’ takes an in-depth look at salinity and the salts that affect both plant health and soil structure, and guide potato nutrition.
Salinity and potato production (Part 1 of 4): Monitoring for improved management
This first fact sheet outlines the causes of salinity followed by key assessments and tests that will better inform your management decisions.
New tools to manage irrigation in potatoes
Learn about using the IrriSAT technology which combines evapotranspiration (ETo) and satellite imaging, and how to link this with data from direct soil moisture sensors, to help you schedule irrigation.