Irrigation monitoring in potatoes (part 2) - Practical use of satellite information
This NSW case study has shown that IrriSAT satellite images, used to monitor irrigation, can also help potato growers identify soil and irrigation problems across the pivot. Fixing the problems identified in this case study would have increased yield and revenue by between $7,600 and $10,800 under this half pivot.
Irrigation monitoring in potatoes (part 1) - Practical use of IrriSAT and soil moisture sensors
This case study explains how the irrigation tool, IrriSAT, combined with soil moisture monitoring, provided important information to the grower about crop water requirements and actual soil moisture levels. This enabled him to manage his crop irrigation to maximise yield and quality.
Soil Wealth Integrated Crop Protection Podcast: Potato soft rot
Management of rots, both in the field and post-harvest, is an ongoing challenge for potato producers. Agronomists Marc Hinderager and Dr Pieter Van Nieuwenhuyse discuss a trial that was set up to explore the effect of sanitisers and/or drying on the development of post-harvest bacterial soft rot in potatoes.
Plant analysis for vegetable crops - A practical guide to sampling, analysis and interpretation
Plant analysis is used as a tool to fine tune the nutrition of crops. The nutrient status of plants or parts of plants can be determined directly via laboratory analysis or estimated via in-field testing, while the overall health and nutrient status of a crop can be assessed via non-destructive sensing technologies.
The recombinant potato virus Y (PVY) strain identified in potato fields in Victoria in south-eastern Australia
Potato virus Y is a major issue for potato production in all Australian states and, indeed, worldwide. However, it exists as a complex of different strains. This summary talks about the latest identification of PVY found in Australia.
Managing salinity in vegetable crops
Find out more about good salinity management practices on farm, salinity thresholds for vegetables, how salinity can be identified and measured, as well as appropriate EC ranges for soils and water.
Innovative solutions to management of tospoviruses of vegetable crops
Tospoviruses cause large losses of product across the supply chain. Whilst some species such as Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) are present in Australia, others are not and represent a significant biosecurity threat. This 2019 report compiles important DNA information that could be used with modern biotechnology to develop new and effective controls.
Strip-tillage for vegetables and potatoes with Steve Peterson (USA) and Ben Pogiolli
Hear from industry experts on how strip-till will save you fuel and time, increase soil organic matter, reduce erosion and compaction, and how fertilisers’ can be banded at multiple depths.
Potato stakeholder needs analysis and extension strategy development
This Hort Innovation report goes into a needs analysis of the potato industry. It highlights that there is a need for strong extension and communication programs. It also develops a strategy and implementation plan that could be used to meet those needs.
Vegetable Industry - Integrated Weed Manual
Integrated weed management (IWM) is about combining a series of small management changes to produce a big result. Read the guide that was conducted by the University of New England through the Hort Innovation funded project.
Navigating the wealth of soil health information and identification of opportunities
This Hort Innovation report covers the current state of knowledge of soil health, with the use of over 220 references from both Australian and international sources. This report also covers various workshops media articles, videos and a factsheet associated with soil health in potato production.
Monitoring psyllids and psyllid predators in Australian potato crops
This Monitoring Psyllids and Psyllid Predators in Australian Potato Crops report by Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) and Hort Innovation covers the different psyllid populations found and the levels of psyllid predators present.
Impact of groundwater quality on the management of centre-pivot-grown potato crops
This Serve-Ag project ran from 2016 to 2020 to assess groundwater quality in areas of potato production in South Australia (where groundwater quality is most variable) and investigated how regional and seasonal water-quality variability impacts on potato production and quality.
Spongospora infection of potato roots – ecology, epidemiology and control
Powdery Scab, caused by Spongospora subterranea, is a costly blemish disease. This 2018 report delves into novel detection and mitigation strategies. Both greenhouse and field trials were undertaken. This report has provided a great source of knowledge for the ongoing battle with Spongospora.
Extension Activities for the Australian Potato Industry – Literature Review and Survey
This Hort Innovation report reviewed the Australian potato industry seed handling and seed quality. The latest trends and research were investigated.
Review bacterial Blackleg disease and R&D gaps with a focus on the potato industry
This 2018 report looks at the available literature and information regarding species present in Australia. It also investigates the accessibility of accurate diagnostic tests.
James Addison and cover crops
In this video, Tasmanian grower James Addison discusses the value of cover cropping in maintaining soil health and increasing productivity in potato production.
What is Compost Worth? Using Compost in Australian Vegetable Systems
This case study outlines the economic considerations when using compost in vegetable production systems. It is based on lessons learned from several Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection (ICP) demonstration sites, during the period 2014 to 2016.
What is a cover crop worth?
Have you been thinking about implementing cover crops on your property? Would you like to know more about how they can interact with your farm’s natural systems? What they cost? what benefits they can create? Read this Soil Wealth Integrated Crop Protection factsheet that goes into the economics of cover crops and what they can do for you.
Tomato potato psyllid
This fact sheet from the Department of Agriculture and Food WA covers why It is important to be vigilant for signs of the pest and report suspect tomato potato psyllids.