Magazine Articles, Diseases, Insects, Viral Sophia Thach Magazine Articles, Diseases, Insects, Viral Sophia Thach

A new potato virus vector monitoring program

Australian Seed Potato Industry Certification Authority (AuSPICA) has introduced an innovative solution to monitor insect vectors in potato crops. Passive suction traps installed in the field take samples of potential virus vectors, which are then sent to Intertek laboratories for rapid DNA analysis. The data developed builds information on the presence of potato virus vectors during the growing season and in the long term, builds trends on vector populations in potato growing regions.

Read the full story in Issue 10 of PotatoLink magazine.

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Innovative solutions to management of tospoviruses of vegetable crops

Tospoviruses cause large losses of product across the supply chain. Whilst some species such as Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) are present in Australia, others are not and represent a significant biosecurity threat. This 2019 report compiles important DNA information that could be used with modern biotechnology to develop new and effective controls.

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