Soil Biology 101
A healthy soil is full of life. All organisms have a role to play in maintaining a healthy and productive soil. This factsheet covers the benefits of soil biology, harmful microbiota, and how to improve soil biology.
Biofumigants and cover crops for disease and nematode management
Join leading biofumigant and cover crop researchers John Duff (QDAF) and Mieke Daneel (ARC, South Africa) as they discuss what biofumigants are how they work, how they can be used for disease and nematode management and wha to consider when choosing biofumigant species.
Management of potatoes under wet conditions
Three successive La Niña seasons have left prime potato growing areas waterlogged. Challenges for growers are evident at every stage, from managing seed, planting, crop management and storage. Paulette Baumbartl covers all the key points in this article in Issue 8 of PotatoLink magazine.
Using legumes to supplement nitrogen
The world may be easing its way into post-pandemic normality, however latest market research shows that this will have limited impact on the historically high prices of nitrogen and imported fertilisers for Australian farmers. This PotatoLink magazine article provides tips on getting the most nitrogen out of your legume cover crop.
The difference between regenerative agriculture and sustainable food systems
Views differ as to exactly what is meant by regenerative or sustainable agriculture. It may be argued that “sustainable” implies little or no change in the farming environment, whereas “regenerative” is focused on improvement but, in reality, the terms mean much the same. This PotatoLink magazine article discusses ecocentric and technocentric approaches.
Cover crops for fresh market and processing potatoes in Australia
Potato grower, Darren Long and Dr Kelvin Montagu talk all things cover crops and discuss how they can assist with building up soil health – including practical tips & tricks!
Strip-tillage for vegetables and potatoes with Steve Peterson (USA) and Ben Pogiolli
Hear from industry experts on how strip-till will save you fuel and time, increase soil organic matter, reduce erosion and compaction, and how fertilisers’ can be banded at multiple depths.
James Addison and cover crops
In this video, Tasmanian grower James Addison discusses the value of cover cropping in maintaining soil health and increasing productivity in potato production.
What is a cover crop worth?
Have you been thinking about implementing cover crops on your property? Would you like to know more about how they can interact with your farm’s natural systems? What they cost? what benefits they can create? Read this Soil Wealth Integrated Crop Protection factsheet that goes into the economics of cover crops and what they can do for you.