Nitrogen fertiliser price and supply: management options in difficult conditions

Click here to watch the webinar on the SWICP site

The commercial nitrogen fertiliser market has been very volatile the past seven months. Supply issues from China, Russia, as well as Europe, have caused shipping issues and shortages for all of Australia. Australia does not manufacture enough nitrogen to supply its own domestic market.

As a result, the cost of nitrogen fertiliser has more than doubled. In June 2021, urea (46% nitrogen) retailed for around $600/tonne or $1.30/kg nitrogen. Today, urea costs about $1,400/tonne or $3.04/kg nitrogen. 

Watch this webinar recording to hear from Kelvin Montagu, Doris Blaesing and Marc Hinderager about management options for the vegetable industry covering:

  • Adding nitrogen using legumes

  • Optimising fertiliser practices

  • Reducing nitrogen fertiliser losses, e.g. leaching and denitrification.

  • Soil testing and crop monitoring.

An agronomist panel also discussed the strategies they have tried to manage the nitrogen on their client's vegetable farms.


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PotatoLink Bulletin January 2022