Demo site update - South Australia

Workshop - Growing right – Final crop management and canopy recovery

The inaugural PotatoLink South Australia workshop was a great success with around 25 people at the Dowling Agritec Sheds in Tarpeena, appreciating the various presentations from potato industry experts.

The attendees were fortunate to hear from Nigel Crump (Auspica) - Seed certification and seed quality update, Domenic Cavallaro (Stoller Australia) - The Roles of Calcium in Potatoes Managing water and soil salinity in marginal pivots, Darren Alexander (Bayer CropScience) - Product development in potatoes, and also hosted by Peter Philp (PotatoLink) - Canopy Recovery Using Plant Physiology to secure true crop marketable yield potential and, Seed dormancy, crop establishment and resilience in potato crops.

Unfortunately, the field walk planned for the following day had to be postponed due to the crop development and COVID-19 restrictions. But we’ve all learnt to be tolerant of compromise and improvisation over the last few years!


Demo site update - Canowindra, NSW


Early Blight & Brown Spot of potatoes - symptoms, epidemiology & management