Optimising Fertiliser Use: A New Demonstration Trial in North Motton (Tas)

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The potato industry is facing increasing pressure from rising input costs, which are impacting the gross margins of growers. Improvements with nutrient use can alleviate the costs associated with excess fertiliser, and can contribute more positively to the environment and overall health of the farm system.

To address these challenges, this demonstration trial aims to optimise fertiliser practices in potatoes by evaluating varying rates, timings (pre-spread, at planting, and top-dress), and approaches (crop sampling and conventional programs) to improve grower profitability and potato marketability.

The demonstration trial is being conducted in North Motton, Tasmania from October 2024 - April 2025, on a uniform paddock that is irrigated using a lateral. The crop variety is Innovator, planted using the same seed lot.

Trial Plan

The primary objectives of the trial are to:

  • Evaluate the impact of varying fertiliser rates and timings (pre-spread, at planting, and top-dress) on potato crop yield (marketable tuber weight), quality (size distribution, defects and specific gravity), and gross margins 

  • Compare a crop sampling-based fertiliser program with a conventional fertiliser program to determine their effectiveness in optimising fertiliser use and profitability over a single growing season

By considering these factors, this demonstration trial aims to provide valuable insights into optimising fertiliser management strategies for the Tasmanian potato industry. More efficient fertiliser practices, can help growers reduce costs, improve environmental outcomes, and maintain healthy, high-yielding crops while supporting the long-term viability of their farming operations.


Drone imagery of the demonstration site taken on 28/12/204. Image: C. Badcock

January 2025

We have completed 3 out of 4 sap tests, with the final test scheduled for January 20, 2025. The dates of the sap tests are as follows:

  • 9/12/2024: Early tuber initiation

  • 23/12/2024: Tuber development stage

  • 6/1/2025: Early tuber bulking

  • 20/1/2025: Mid-tuber bulking (upcoming)

During the upcoming field walk, we will present and discuss how these sap test results have guided our top dressing decisions, tailoring nutrition to meet the crop’s needs. We will also assess the crop’s condition in the field.

More Information

To track the progress of this demonstration trial, stay tuned on the PotatoLink website, e-bulletin and social media channels.

Or contact Tim Walker, Regional Representative, PotatoLink, tim.walker@potatolink.com.au or Steph Tabone, Horticultural Researcher, Applied Horticultural Research, stephanie.tabone@ahr.com.au

Special Acknowledgements

The PotatoLink team would like to thank grower Coby Badcock for hosting the demonstration site and his efforts in enabling the demonstration trial, and PotatoLink representative Tim Walker who is managing the demonstration trial.


Dean, Vic Demonstration Trial: Nitrogen inhibitors and responsive fertiliser programs


PotatoLink Project Poster at the 2024 World Potato Congress (2024)