Tim Walker

Tim Walker is a busy man with three passions in life – family, agronomy and farming … in that order. After 20 years’ experience in the field, Tim set up Walker Ag Consultancy where he works closely with land managers on tasks from pre-paddock selection through to harvest. To complement his role as a trusted advisor, he often tries out new practices and products on his own farm to support his recommendations. Tim and his family are growing potatoes, poppies, pyrethrum and grain, and rearing livestock.

Tim was awarded the Rising Star mantle at the 2012 AUSVEG National Convention and was the Regional Winner in the 2020 Syngenta Australia Growth Awards Productivity category.

Tim represents the PotatoLink project in Tasmania, and with his solid understanding of the topics of interest to Tasmanian potato growers, he delivers valuable support and events for the growers in the region.

You can contact Tim via email tim.walker@potatolink.com.au.