Stuart Grigg

Stuart Grigg, from Stuart Grigg Ag-Hort consulting, is vegetable farming born and bred. Now a vegetable agronomist, he has nearly 20 years experience working and consulting throughout Australia (with a Victorian focus) as well as New Zealand. Originally specialised in lettuce, brassicas and babyleaf, he has more recently extended into apiaceae (carrots and parsnips) and potato crops.

Stuart is passionate about precision agriculture as well as sustainability and soil health. As someone who has been involved in research projects as well as responsibility for the day-to-day running of major vegetable production businesses, he has unique skills, understanding both the theory and commercial reality. 

Stuart and his young family have now invested in their own 148 acre property at Bolwarrah, west of Ballarat. Here, Stuart has teamed up with potato grower Neville Quinlan, producing spuds on virgin ground alongside his crop of broccoli, grown in partnership with Fresh Select. Stuart will not only run some trials as part of their local crop of Atlantics, but also coordinate some Victorian PotatoLink activities.