Controlling pests in potatoes

This presentation outlines the elements of IPM in any crop but particularly in potatoes.

The most important biological, cultural and chemical options available to growers are described and specific examples are given from Australian potato production.

Examples of how pesticides can be chosen based on their IPM fit are discussed, also.

Presenter: Dr Paul Horne is an entomologist and since 1996 has been owner and director of IPM Technologies Pty Ltd.

He has been involved with the development and implementation of IPM in a wide range of crops but specialising in potato crops in Australia for over 30 years.

A strong focus of his work has been the implementation and adoption of IPM strategies. This has also involved a strong research component on the impact of pesticides on species of beneficial invertebrates.

Click here to download the slides.


Irrigation scheduling with IrriSAT


Potato R&D Forum 2021 Day 2 Recording: Soil health and disease management