Soil Biology 101
A healthy soil is full of life. All organisms have a role to play in maintaining a healthy and productive soil. This factsheet covers the benefits of soil biology, harmful microbiota, and how to improve soil biology.
Integrated weed management - Volunteer Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)
Read this Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection factsheet to learn about volunteer potatoes and some potential methods of integrated weed management that can be used to control them after a potato crop.
Managing Blackleg in potato
Blackleg on potato can be caused by either Pectobacterium or Dickeya species, and they often work together in different combinations to cause this disease. Blackleg can result in stem decay, severe seed decay and sometimes lack of plant emergence in severe cases. This Hort Innovation and RM Consulting Group (RMCG) factsheet provides information on managing blackleg in potato crops.
Mega pests - The basics of protecting your crops
Want to regain control over chemical-resistant pests? Aiming to reduce costs while meeting quality assurance requirements? This fact sheet covers the basics of protecting your crop.
Colorado potato beetle
Currently, Colorado potato beetles are not a pest in Australia. But if you’re interested in learning more, this factsheet by Plant Health Australia provides information on what the beetle is, what it looks like, what it can be confused with and how to protect your farm from the pest.