Potato R&D Forum 2021 Day 1: Pest Management

Catch up on Day 1 of the Australian Potato R&D Forum 2021, which focused on pest management.

Speakers and topics included:

  • Season update from the regions: What have been the key pest and disease issues?

  • Management of soil constraints in the potato industry: Ben Fleay/Greg Hall (Precision Agriculture)

  • Tamarixia triozae, a small parasitoid with a big future: How has Tamarixia helped New Zealand manage TPP? Dr Sally Anderson (Market Access Solutionz)

  • New smartphone technologies for pathogen detection: Professor Jean Ristaino (North Carolina State University) (GRDC Video)

  • iMapPESTS and emerging insect threats for the potato industry: Callum Fletcher and Shakira Johnson (AUSVEG)

  • Overview of new crop protection products: Tim Belleville (E.E. Muir & Sons)

  • How will new technology and products help us manage pests and soil health? (Panel session)

Watch Day 2 of the Australian Potato R&D Forum 2021 here.


Potato R&D Forum 2021 Day 2 Recording: Soil health and disease management


PotatoLink Bulletin July 2021