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Peter Philp

Peter Philp has worked in horticultural nutrition, crop protection, variety development and potato seed management for more than 30 years. Peter previously held the role of Agronomy Manager with PepsiCo Australia and New Zealand, managing sustainable supply to factories in SA and WA. The role also managed the potato seed pipeline, variety assessment and variety qualification with links to global support.

In 2015 Peter established Philp Horticultural Services, which specialises in crop nutrition, variety development and potato seed dormancy. His projects have included market development, nutrition and variety management in fresh market, processing and seed potatoes across Australia, New Zealand and overseas. The projects deliver innovative crop system development, sustainable quality and improved efficiency in potato yield and profitability.  

Peter will be the regional representative for PotatoLink in South Australia as well as the key contact for the processing (crisps) sector.