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PotatoLink Webinar: Biofumigants and cover crops for disease and nematode management

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Date: Tuesday 5th September

Time: 4 - 5 pm (AEST)

Location: Delivered online via zoom

Registration: Click here to regisiter

Join the PotatoLink team for an upcoming webinar with leading biofumigant and cover crop researchers John Duff (QDAF) and Mieke Daneel (ARC, South Africa). Our guest speakers will discuss:

  • What are biofumigants and how do they work?

  • How can they be used for disease and nematode management?

  • Considerations when choosing biofumigant species

  • Results from South African studies screening cover crops for control of nematodes

  • Case studies with potatoes


John Duff

Senior Plant Protectionist at Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland

John works with vegetable and nursery crops as a plant protectionist dealing with both insect and disease management. He is interested in all aspects of integrated crop management trying to help growers manage their insect and disease issues using the most effective and environmentally safe pesticides possible.

Dr Mieke Daneel

Nematologist at the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), South Africa

Mieke was awarded her PhD at the Rand Afrikaans University in 1989 after which she started working at ARC - Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops (originally Department of Agriculture). She is based in Mbombela. The research of Mieke and her team is focused on alternative control strategies for nematodes in bananas, subtropical crops and vegetables.

Additional Resources

30 August

PotatoLink Webinar: Yield mapping with HarvestEye

23 October

Consumer insights in sustainability, Australia's global position, and the implications for the horticulture sector