A Winter Triticale and common vetch cover crop being terminated at the Langhorne Creek property
Date: Monday 5 June 2023
Time: 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm ACST
11:00 am - Bus A & Bus B leave Adelaide Convention Centre following the R&D Forum [Note: You do not need a Hort Connections ticket to attend this event]
12:30 pm - Field walk starts
2:00 pm - Field walk concludes:
Bus A leaves for Adelaide and Hort Connections - ETA 3:30 pm.
Bus B leaves for Langhorne Creek Football, Sports & Social Club BBQ.
2:30 pm - BBQ at Langhorne Creek Football, Sports & Social Club for networking and general discussion
4:00 pm - Bus B Leaves Langhorne Creek for Adelaide - ETA 5:30pm approx.
Location: Langhorne Creek, SA, address to be given to registrants. A bus will be provided for those attending the PotatoLink R&D forum earlier in the day, click here to view the R&D forum event page.
Registration: Click here to register,
Background: Management of potato seed supply and seed age is critical to deliver the best yield and quality. Often young seed is turned around from the previous summer crop to fit the planting and contracted harvest windows. Managing old seed and young seed and driving seed efficiency is critical for sustainability and offsetting rising seed cost. This trial examines how growers can minimise risks and maximise profits through management of their seed age and supply.
Trial: The Trial is comparing PepsiCo variety FL 1867 aged and young seed with treatments of in-furrow nutrition of Calcium, Phosphorous, Zinc and Potassium with growth regulators like Cytokinin and Auxin. The nutrition and growth regulators aim to help stimulate seed performance, reduce apical dominance in young seed and accelerate crop establishment. The old seed early nutrition is aimed at accelerated canopy development, stem strength and supporting the filling of tubers as early as possible in the crop life cycle.
Site information: Langhorne Creek in South Australia is situated on a fertile plain next to the banks of Lake Alexandrina (570 sq km), a large fresh water outfall from the Murray River. The region has a climate conducive for year-round potato growth through a combination of a rain-shadow created by the Adelaide Hills and temperature amelioration from Lake Alexandrina. This mitigates the challenges of supply, particularly during Spring. To meet the processors supply window, potatoes are Autumn planted for Winter and Spring harvest.
9th May update
9th May update: Sentek Probe added to the site to check what’s happening under the crop. Note green line to the left showing the aged seed section while the young seed just starting to break through
May 23 Update
May 23 update: Differences in emergence becoming very apparent
PotatoLink R&D forum: There will be a PotatoLink R&D forum from 8:30 am to 11:00 am. A bus from the Adelaide Convention Centre to Langhorne Creek. The bus will return attendees to the Adelaide Convention Centre by 3:00 pm, in time for the Hort Connections welcome reception at 4:30 pm. Click here to learn more about the R&D forum and register.